In the footsteps of Jesus

Hello World!

I am embarking on yet another Middle Eastern adventure! This time a pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine, following the life of Jesus, with a group organised by the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne and my Vicar, Dianne. The tour group is a collection of parishioners and clergy from parishes across Melbourne, some international friends who have been on previous tours with us and want to go another round, and also some aspirants and students from the theological colleges; 41 in all.

Our trip will start in Tel Aviv, and take us to Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, north to Caesarea Philippi, and then back to Jerusalem. We are using the life of Jesus as a framework for our trip, but there will be plenty of sightseeing and shopping along the way as well.

I will try to post as regularly as possible. I'm not sure how much energy I will have for the first few days, and wifi may be spotty, but this is the best way to record what's happening, so I'll do my best to keep it updated.



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